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Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00
47 Bakery Street, London, UK

About Us

About Me

Martha Glory

Martha is an international bestselling author, speaker, and coach with a heart for adventure and connection. When she’s not empowering others through her transformative work, you’ll find her exploring the world’s wonders—savoring exotic cuisines, immersing herself in diverse cultures, and finding magic in nature. Whether chasing the serenity of waterfalls, hiking tranquil mountain trails, or spending cherished moments with her large, vibrant family (especially her many beloved nieces and nephews), Martha embraces life with boundless energy and gratitude.

Martha Glory Kartaoui
Life Visionary/ Coach/ Event Facilitator/ Best Selling Author/ Keynote Speaker/ Cult Survivor
About Me

Martha Kartaoui

Martha Kartaoui is a highly accomplished Certified Life and Health Coach, as well as a respected Spiritual Mentor and Life Visionary. She’s the owner of PIC Wellness, LLC., a best-selling author, and a Keynote/Motivational Speaker with a remarkable personal journey as a religious cult survivor; Martha has fearlessly navigated her uncharted healing journey and transformed her trauma into triumph. Through her healing and growth, she has discovered a deep passion for empowering others to do the same.


Our Story

Check out Martha’s Story here:


Together, we are stronger. Together, we heal.

Join us for open discussions, collective healing sessions, and access to resources that support emotional, physical, and spiritual growth. This is a place where you are seen, heard, and valued as you rise from the shadows and step into the light of your fullest potential.

Welcome to Cult-X where survivors become Battle Angels.



Martha has taught me that healing is a journey, process, and is ongoing. There is no final destination. You will know your healing by how you change in your mind, body and spirit. I understand this in the core of my being.  And thanks to Martha sharing her own journey publicly I have decided to begin mine.

It’s been life changing getting to work with Martha. She meets you where you are at and becomes your biggest cheerleader!

I’m 69 years old and after working with Martha, I realize I wasted a whole lot of time being a victim. It’s time to change that. Through Martha’s guidance, support and encouragement, I’m stepping into my healing journey, and I am really proud of myself for taking this first step!

I have participated in three of Martha’s group classes and I have learned so much about myself. I have learned forgiveness, patience and kindness for myself which is huge.

Taylor H.Taylor H.Alex N.Alex N.Happy ClientVanda L.Vanda L.Happy ClientSusan T.Susan T.Happy Client
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We Offer Activities for Adults and Children

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